6 Things Italian Women Can Teach Us About Appreciating Food

Despite Italy’s national obsession with la bella figura, and the worrying way women’s bodies are portrayed in the Italian media, the country’s attitude toward food seems to be pretty positive…

ockstyle‘s insight:

buon appetito!

See on – Curated by Food Meditations – Source

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Food & Travel Blogger 🇺🇸 I'm a gluten free gourmet traveler, content writer and storyteller in English and Italian. Fluently speaking (eating and dreaming) in Italian, English, French, and Russian. When I'm not writing, I cook, style (food & prop styling), and photograph (also on film). Not necessarily in that order ꧁꧂ 🇮🇹 Food & Travel Blogger. Viaggiatrice buongustaia senza glutine, creatrice di contenuti e appassionata narratrice di storie in italiano e inglese; parlo (mangio e sogno) fluentemente in italiano, inglese, francese e russo. Quando non scrivo, testo ricette dolci e salate, preparo cibi e bevande per le riprese fotografiche, fotografo (anche in pellicola). Non necessariamente in quest'ordine.